Thursday, 19 January 2012

Meeting for all Collins and Bone investors.

We will no longer be responding to any questions or allegations posted on the blog. The tone of the blog is being set by one or two individuals and appears to have little bearing on the views of the majority. All that is achieved is to instil a sense of panic and fear and it is inevitable that most people will not be heard via this method.

If the aim of the blog is to protect others from investing then there is no need. We have not and will not seek further investment. Most people appreciate that this was a property business which has failed in the worst recession in a generation. Some 120 businesses each day are forced down the same route. We wholeheartedly agree that questions must be answered, because money was invested in good faith. 

We are actively pursuing legal recourse at this present time.

However the only fair and equitable way to deal with the issue is to allow investors the opportunity to have their voices heard and air any concerns they have in face to face meetings.
If the true purpose of the blog was to find out the facts, then everyone now has an equal opportunity.
If the purpose of the blog was malicious, then this intent will be proved if the blog remains on line.

All Collins and Bone investors are to be invited to a meeting this month. The place and time and date is to be agreed, dependant on numbers. We will try to keep travel time/cost as fair as we can.

The purpose of the meeting is to answer any relevant questions investors may have, in detail, face to face.

Please note that this meeting is for those who originally invested in Collins and Bone, and not those who invested in CBS Ltd. (All CBS investment was voluntarily carried over personally by David and Liam as a gesture of good faith). The easiest way to put this is post 2009 investors will be invited to this meeting.We will be offering a meeting to CBS investors (pre 2009) in the coming weeks.

On receipt of your email invitation, we would appreciate it if you could respond promptly and let us know if you are able to attend. If you cannot make it for any reason, we are happy to come to you and meet you individually.

Kind Regards.

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